EARLY CHILDHOOD PARTNERS CFCE is a community resource that is available to all early childhood programs, providers and educators. One of our goals is to assist childcare programs with accessing information/resources/services for their program, teachers, or for the families they serve. These services are funded through the Department of Early Education and Care’s Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant. We strive to be be the place to call when a program is in need!
EARLY CHILDHOOD PARTNERS CFCE is a community resource that is available to all early childhood programs, providers and educators. One of our goals is to assist childcare programs with accessing information/resources/services for their program, teachers, or for the families they serve. These services are funded through the Department of Early Education and Care’s Coordinated Family and Community Engagement (CFCE) grant. We strive to be be the place to call when a program is in need!
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC)
51 Sleeper Street 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
Click here to sign up for the Commissioner's Office Mailing List
EEC Information and Resources
EEC Strategic Action Plan Portal
EEC COVID-19 Resources, Updates, and Information
EEC's Health and Safety Guidance During COVID-19 Recovery for Child Care Providers
EEC Learning Standards and Curriculum Guidelines
EEC Strategic Plan
Early Childhood 101 - A map of MA early childhood programs and resources
EEC Community Resources For Families
EEC Licensed Child Care Search
Child Care Circuit
Child care resources, referral, and training. Also provides child care vouchers based on availability of funds and eligibility restrictions.
[email protected]
Center For The Study of Social Policy
Strengthening Families 101
Strengthening Partnerships Framework
Family Engagement Fact Sheets For Providers in English
Additional Resources For Providers
Safe Kids Thrive
The Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse launched a first-of-its-kind customized website,, to give child and youth serving organizations the tools to prevent child sexual abuse. The SafeKidsThrive website, a creation of a 28 office, agency (including EEC), and child and youth serving organization collaboration, enables programs to find guidance and resources to take steps to stop sexual abuse before it happens.
HandHold MA is a new, family friendly website designed to help families navigate the mental health system in Massachusetts. The website was created by a team of mental health and child development experts in partnership with parents who have “been there.” Handhold’s three main sections help parents answer these three big questions: should I worry?, what can I do?, and who can help? Whatever steps a family decides to take, offers a variety of tips, tools, and resources to help families take them with confidence.
The Federation for Children with Special Needs has created Mindful Mondays, a weekly opportunity for educators to practice self-care through mindfulness. Come join other educators from across the state for yoga, meditation, journaling, and sharing of challenges and successes. No previous experience is necessary
51 Sleeper Street 4th Floor
Boston, MA 02210
Click here to sign up for the Commissioner's Office Mailing List
EEC Information and Resources
EEC Strategic Action Plan Portal
EEC COVID-19 Resources, Updates, and Information
EEC's Health and Safety Guidance During COVID-19 Recovery for Child Care Providers
EEC Learning Standards and Curriculum Guidelines
EEC Strategic Plan
Early Childhood 101 - A map of MA early childhood programs and resources
EEC Community Resources For Families
EEC Licensed Child Care Search
Child Care Circuit
Child care resources, referral, and training. Also provides child care vouchers based on availability of funds and eligibility restrictions.
[email protected]
Center For The Study of Social Policy
Strengthening Families 101
Strengthening Partnerships Framework
Family Engagement Fact Sheets For Providers in English
Additional Resources For Providers
- DOE Early Learning Resources
- National Association for the Education of Young Children Resources
- The National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network
- National Association of School Psychiatrists
- The Massachusetts Association for Infant Mental Health
- ePyramid online trainings
- Zero To Three
- The Children's Trust
- Federation For Children With Special Needs
- Center for the Developing Child
- Edutopia Promoting SEL in Preschools This Year
- Defending The Early Years COVID Resources & Teachers COVID Clearinghouse
- Social Stories
- WGBH Family Fun At Home
- Basics Insights text messaging program
- Association for Childhood Education
- Brain Building in Progress Campaign
- Mind In The Making
- Resources for Early Learning
Safe Kids Thrive
The Massachusetts Legislative Task Force on the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse launched a first-of-its-kind customized website,, to give child and youth serving organizations the tools to prevent child sexual abuse. The SafeKidsThrive website, a creation of a 28 office, agency (including EEC), and child and youth serving organization collaboration, enables programs to find guidance and resources to take steps to stop sexual abuse before it happens.
HandHold MA is a new, family friendly website designed to help families navigate the mental health system in Massachusetts. The website was created by a team of mental health and child development experts in partnership with parents who have “been there.” Handhold’s three main sections help parents answer these three big questions: should I worry?, what can I do?, and who can help? Whatever steps a family decides to take, offers a variety of tips, tools, and resources to help families take them with confidence.
The Federation for Children with Special Needs has created Mindful Mondays, a weekly opportunity for educators to practice self-care through mindfulness. Come join other educators from across the state for yoga, meditation, journaling, and sharing of challenges and successes. No previous experience is necessary
The RCPs are collaboration between the Department of Public Health (DPH), the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
The RCPs provide:
The RCPs are collaboration between the Department of Public Health (DPH), the Department of Early Education and Care (EEC), and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE).
The RCPs provide:
- Consultation, resources, referrals, and family support for children 0-3 with complex medical needs and/or multiple disabilities enrolled in Early Intervention.
- Trainings for caregivers, early intervention professionals, public preschool personnel, and other community partners on a variety of topics impacting young children with special needs.
- Resource and referral information to ensure successful public preschool inclusion for children on an IEP with any special need. This information can include:
- Child consultation and family support around specific needs as well as support during transition into public preschool
- Technical assistance regarding specific resources for children with special needs 3-5 years of age
- Contact information about area resources, including a one-page, double sided guide

Northeast Regional Consultation Program
32 Osgood St. Andover, MA 01810
Phone: 978-475-3806 Fax: 978-475-6288
Contact: Rachel Daniels, MS, OTR/L, ATP
Director, Professional Center for Child Development
Email: [email protected]
Cellphone: 978-886-2790
32 Osgood St. Andover, MA 01810
Phone: 978-475-3806 Fax: 978-475-6288
Contact: Rachel Daniels, MS, OTR/L, ATP
Director, Professional Center for Child Development
Email: [email protected]
Cellphone: 978-886-2790
The Career Pathways grant at North Shore Community College offers the following supports and services for educators and those seeking to enter the ECE field: ESL classes and bilingual workshops, support in Adult Basic Education to earn high school equivalency, a comprehensive Teacher Training Program for those wanting to start a career in ECE, courses and support to advance in EEC certification (Teacher, Lead Teacher, Director 1 and Director 2), an online, accelerated Emerging Leaders program, courses and support to earn a national Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, opportunities for enhanced leadership in the field of ECE and OST and advising and courses to build toward an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree! Courses available for the CDA Plus model include: Two 3-credit courses: Child Growth and Development, Field Placement and Seminar One 6-credit course: Introduction to CDA and Portfolio Development. The Career Pathways grant at North Shore Community College offers targeted academic and career advising for Career Pathways grant participants; as well as an array of additional support services (language, financial, child care, etc.) as needed for participants to be successful in reaching their goals, including EEC certification &/or degree attainment.
The Career Pathways grant at North Shore Community College offers the following supports and services for educators and those seeking to enter the ECE field: ESL classes and bilingual workshops, support in Adult Basic Education to earn high school equivalency, a comprehensive Teacher Training Program for those wanting to start a career in ECE, courses and support to advance in EEC certification (Teacher, Lead Teacher, Director 1 and Director 2), an online, accelerated Emerging Leaders program, courses and support to earn a national Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, opportunities for enhanced leadership in the field of ECE and OST and advising and courses to build toward an Associate’s, Bachelor’s or Master’s degree! Courses available for the CDA Plus model include: Two 3-credit courses: Child Growth and Development, Field Placement and Seminar One 6-credit course: Introduction to CDA and Portfolio Development. The Career Pathways grant at North Shore Community College offers targeted academic and career advising for Career Pathways grant participants; as well as an array of additional support services (language, financial, child care, etc.) as needed for participants to be successful in reaching their goals, including EEC certification &/or degree attainment.

Northeast MA: Region 3
Northeast Mass: Region 3 Partnership Members
North Shore Community College
1 Ferncroft Road LE-217
Danvers, MA 01923
Contact: Kathy Gallo
781-593-6722 x6249
[email protected]
Northeast Mass: Region 3 Partnership Members
North Shore Community College
1 Ferncroft Road LE-217
Danvers, MA 01923
Contact: Kathy Gallo
781-593-6722 x6249
[email protected]
MSPCC provides Mental Health Consultation services to educators and families with children in Early Childhood settings. Our goal is to provide support and guidance to understand and appropriately respond to challenging behaviors in a way that supports healthy social emotional development, strengthens home-school partnerships, and reduces child suspensions and expulsions
By working directly with staff at all levels, we strive to build the capacity of early childhood programs and educators alike to provide high-quality, nurturing learning environments that are responsive to children with a range of developmental, social and emotional needs so that children can be successful in their education. The goal of the service is to offer educator support in the context of a child or classroom’s need. MSPCC offers Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to 63 cities and towns in the Northeast region of Massachusetts. Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is a program of MSPCC, a division of Eliot, and is funded by the Department of Early Education and Care.
What Services Can Be Provided?
MSPCC provides Mental Health Consultation services to educators and families with children in Early Childhood settings. Our goal is to provide support and guidance to understand and appropriately respond to challenging behaviors in a way that supports healthy social emotional development, strengthens home-school partnerships, and reduces child suspensions and expulsions
By working directly with staff at all levels, we strive to build the capacity of early childhood programs and educators alike to provide high-quality, nurturing learning environments that are responsive to children with a range of developmental, social and emotional needs so that children can be successful in their education. The goal of the service is to offer educator support in the context of a child or classroom’s need. MSPCC offers Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation to 63 cities and towns in the Northeast region of Massachusetts. Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation is a program of MSPCC, a division of Eliot, and is funded by the Department of Early Education and Care.
What Services Can Be Provided?
- Observation and assessment of classroom strengths and needs using evidenced based social emotional screening tools.
- On site modeling and coaching of effective, trauma informed strategies for teaching social skills and appropriate behavior to reduce the impact of behavioral and emotional distress.
- Training and support for educators in creating, and implementing individualized behavior support plans.
- Program wide professional development trainings designed to strengthen staff to be more effective in their role to identify risks and prevent social-emotional and behavioral problems.
- Referrals to additional community resources, as needed, including outpatient therapy, assessment and evaluation, assistance with school system referrals, and others.
- Children in EEC affiliated child care programs including center based, family childcare, Early Head Start/Head Start, or afterschool programs, between the ages 0 and 14, who exhibit signs of challenging behaviors or who may need further support with social/emotional learning. Children who are at risk for suspension or expulsion.
- Classrooms that would benefit from added structure and routines that would help to promote socio-emotional support for all children.

MSPCC/Eliot Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program
439 South Union Street
Lawrence, MA 01843
Contact: Jayna Doherty, LCSW
Program Director
[email protected]
439 South Union Street
Lawrence, MA 01843
Contact: Jayna Doherty, LCSW
Program Director
[email protected]
The Department of Early Education and Care's StrongStart Online Professional Development System (StrongStart Online PDS) is part of Massachusetts' StrongStart Quality Early Education and Care initiative. The StrongStart Online PDS provides resources for educators and administrators to enhance quality in their programs and support individual educator success, such as training and technical assistance. The StrongStart Online Professional Development System (PDS) is a web-based "one stop center" for early educators that provides resources for their career growth. It includes a credentialing system, professional registry, and a Learning Management System (LMS) where educators can take courses on their computer or mobile device.
The Department of Early Education and Care's StrongStart Online Professional Development System (StrongStart Online PDS) is part of Massachusetts' StrongStart Quality Early Education and Care initiative. The StrongStart Online PDS provides resources for educators and administrators to enhance quality in their programs and support individual educator success, such as training and technical assistance. The StrongStart Online Professional Development System (PDS) is a web-based "one stop center" for early educators that provides resources for their career growth. It includes a credentialing system, professional registry, and a Learning Management System (LMS) where educators can take courses on their computer or mobile device.

EEC StrongStart Professional Development System
51 Sleeper St.
Boston, MA 02210
Contact: Barbara Gallagher
StrongStart Northeast PDC Coordinator
[email protected]
51 Sleeper St.
Boston, MA 02210
Contact: Barbara Gallagher
StrongStart Northeast PDC Coordinator
[email protected]
Early Childhood Partners programs are funded by the Coordinated Family & Community Engagement (CFCE) grant awarded to Hamilton-Wenham Regional School District by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care. The HWRSD does not discriminate in its programs, activities or employment practices on the basis of race*, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, genetic information, active military/veteran status, marital status, familial status, pregnancy, or pregnancy-related condition, homelessness, ancestry, ethnic background, national origin, or any other category protected by state or federal law.